Welcome to my webpage. Hello, my name is Wendy Thibodeaux. I have a small company, called Louisiana Swamp Tours, where I take people on beautiful, narrated swamp tours. The place where the swamp tours take place is Lake Martin, located in Breaux Bridge, LA. Louisiana Swamp Tours’ boat will fit up to 9 average size adults. Average size meaning around 185lbs. Our smaller sized boat is more personable. On the boat tour you will travel on the water, passing under cypress trees; with moss adorning and hanging from their branches. While on the swamp tour, we will have the opportunity to see alligators, large and small, and turtles too! Different birds, like the little green heron, little blue heron, great blue heron, white egret, cattle egret, and the snowy egret are often spotted. Sometimes the rosette spoonbill, night heron, and red wing black bird are also noticed while on tour. Along the swamp tour, you will learn different things about the swamp and it’s inhabitants. Louisiana Swamp Tours invites you to join us on a one hour swamp tour through the beautiful Lake Martin. Reservations are required.
Telephone Number : 1-337-380-5632
Email us at: louisianatours@yahoo.com
Call or email to confirm a tour.